Descaling a steam cooker – here’s how.

To descale a steam cooker, we recommend our tried and tested liquid descaler. You can also use this for automatic coffee machines, coffee machines and steam ovens. It removes limescale deposits effectively, quickly and safely. Regular descaling of your steam cooker can extend its lifespan and improve its performance. Take note of the steps in the user manual. We hope we’ve answered your questions about descaling your steam cooker. Should you have more questions about descaling your steam cooker, Should you have more questions about descaling your steam cooker, you may join our home care woekshop or get in touch with our customer care team. We''ll be delighted to help you.

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Customer Care Centre

Address: 38C Jalan Pemimpin, #01-01, Singapore 577180

Open from Mon - Fri, 9am - 5pm (Closed on Sat, Sun and PH).

Customer Care Hotline

Phone: +65 6751 5000

Monday to Friday: 9am to 6pm Saturday: 9am to 1pm (Closed on Sun and PH)

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Arrange a visit for any date and time convenient for you.

Locate the rating plate

Identify your appliance to find your E-Nr (model) and FD (producion) number. You need these for product registration and booking your repair service.