Get familiar with your appliance with Bosch instruction manuals.

If you've forgotten where you put the manual that came with your appliance, help is on hand. Simply enter the E-NR (model type number) from your appliance and we'll take you to the available publications.

Having trouble finding your E-NR (model number)? Just use the type plate finder to get assistance.

Please enter the E-Nr number
Please review the input data.
This E-Nr number is not recognised
Please try again and only send a PNG or JPEG image.
There is a technical issue. Please try again or type the Model Number (E-Nr) into the field manually.
Get in touch

We’re here to help, before and after your purchase.

Customer Care Centre

Address: 38C Jalan Pemimpin, #01-01, Singapore 577180

Open from Mon - Fri, 9am - 5pm (Closed on Sat, Sun and PH).

Customer Care Hotline

Phone: +65 6751 5000

Monday to Friday: 9am to 6pm Saturday: 9am to 1pm (Closed on Sun and PH)

Help is on the way

Arrange a visit for any date and time convenient for you.

Self-help videos

Find out how to do simple troubleshooting for your appliance by exploring the video library.

Locate the rating plate

Identify your appliance to find your E-Nr (model) and FD (producion) number. You need these for product registration and booking your repair service.